Friday, September 5, 2014

Stress Reduction Plan

It seems this is the season for challenges. We have the ice bucket challenge; the grateful challenge, face painting challenge, word challenge and I am sure there are others I don't know about. I have a challenge. That is true on so many levels. :-D  Seriously, my challenge to you is "Reducing our stress level."

Did you take the Life Stress test? If you didn't here is another opportunity. Lifestresstest  Just click, answer the questions and discover if you are on a path to sickness because of stress.

I am using The Recipe to Mental Health published by Albertsons, Inc. in 2006 as a guideline. This book was created by their pharmacists in Sav-On and Oxco Drugs stores. In spite of its evolutionary, transcendental feel, their approach is based in American Medicine with a little Alternative medicine flavoring. I was quite surprised about the latter since they were pharmacists.

I have created my stress reduction plan. I promised to share it so hear it is with a little information on why I added these things to it.
  1. Learn to say "No." I know I cannot do everything but sometimes all those yeses creep up on you and then you are overwhelmed. 
  2. Prioritize what's left in order of importance. Do you remember those Franklin Planners and its system. Why did I ever stop doing that? I was organized then.
  3. Focus (think) on the good things. My good things of choice are found in Philippians 4 of the Bible. More on that later.
  4. Plan. Make plans for dealing with upcoming situations that might prove to be stressful. Having a plan eliminates some of the stress.
  5. Exercise. This could be stressful in itself. I know that it will reduce stress but I have such a hard time getting it done. I must plan to exercise an give it a high priority while I think of all the good things that will be accomplished. I will tell myself I am beating a pillow.
  6. Eat healthy. All ready doing that but have to cut out some things that I let creep back in.
  7. Do something I enjoy. I haven't done any of my hobbies in a long time. I must put one of them on the list of things to do.
  8. Be nice to myself. Lighten up on myself. I am my biggest critic.
That is what I need to do but what does it look like in practical application. Get out the calendar and layout exercise, meal and activity plan. Prioritize and get started.  Look out stress. I am coming for you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey friends and family. Thank you for the comments you placed on facebook. I had hoped you would have posted them here but I am grateful. Have a favor to ask though. After you read them will you +1 the post and then share it on your social sites. Thanks.
