Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Another Food Experiment

I thought you might like this one.

Fresh from the Tree
I wish Blogger has a reblog capability but since it doesn't I will have to link it here. Until One Day -
I originally posted this on my Wordpress blog as an assignment in Wordpress' Writing 201-poetry.

I am having a good time. It is stretching me as a writer. I may never be a good poet but at least I can dabble.

The poem that received the most views was Trust- Mis -Trust  I would like to hear YOUR thoughts.

The Wordpress blog is now my primary blog. Pat's Random Thoughts

Have a very blessed day.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reblogging My Blog called "Driven"

I am back. Still trying to coordinate my Wordpress blog with this one because I value all of my followers. Wordpress has a reblog capability if you want to post someone else's blog. I can't seem to find such an ability on Blogger.

To any Blogger users if you know how please tell me. In the mean time here is the link to the post I would like to share.

I am still interested in your comments and I am still collecting data on the best (for me) platform to use.