#peaceonearth #respect #Christmas #joy #stress #spouse #love
I remember when I was a child this was the most inspiring, joyous time of the year. My grandmother shopped downtown listening to Christmas carols being piped through speakers on the city streets. The night air was crisp and clean. People who you didn't know, greeting you with smiles and Merry Christmas on their lips. It may have been stressful to some but it sure didn't feel like it. The list of things to be done seemed like a privilege and a joy. Giving wasn't something you
had to do. People who couldn't afford to buy gifts made them. Those were usually the best ones. Sharing what you had was magnified.
But Now...
There seems to be more concern with how much
I can get and how much did you pay for it. That put unnecessary stress who can't spend a lot. We forgot the joy is in the giving, however little and the fact that someone thought of you.
We forgot! We have taught our kids to be
unappreciative. Then we get mad at them when they are.
The stress of this season breaks up relationships. We have come to value the things given over the giver. If your spouse or significant other doesn't give you what you want at the price point you expect, there is
NO Peace on Earth.
We forgot.
- Let's remember to treat each other the way we want to be treated; with love and respect.
- Let's remember to value the person more than anything they give, even if all they can give is a smile and a hug.
- Let's remember the joy many of us felt as children.
If you don't have those kind of memories begin to make them now. Those of us who have them, share that love with them.
- Let's remember "To do to others what we want done to us."
I guess in this perverted world I should explain. I mean treat others with the love and respect you want to get. Don't fight in the stores and don't curse people out in the parking lots.
- Let's remember to be kind and spread joy.
Don't forget. The Messiah's birth was to bring Peace not Stress.
Have Very, Blessed, Joyful, and Loving CHRISTmas celebration!